I KNOW this behavior, seen it thousands of times. in Person. With stupid kids thinking that they are famous and mean anything, just because some desperate little girls have (daddy's) money and no brain. Someone of them don't have money but would rather fuck around, than working.
This was the first entry I saw related to this subject
Suddenly, in the same BTS matter, when nobody dared to say anything, I mean - no newspaper, no comments, no outrage, no pedophilia worries, no alcohol addiction issue.
I knew he was trouble, the first time I saw him DRUNK at the VMA's last year and no one from their team pulled him away from interviews.
This isn't just a comment, this is reality - most of their fans are underage kids, some even as young as 10. They will absorb and copy EVERYTHING they re doing. This is the reason this trash exists - to manipulate at an extent rarely seen young girls. This is the reason why so many money is invested i sports - because they sell merchandise to young people. This is the reason why they put gays on TV, gays everywhere, to normalize their sick behavior, so that people won't telling - Dude, you are acting strange. Go see a doc.
He sounded drunk and they shouldn't be drinking. Alcohol is a killing drug. At least they shouldn't be drinking on cameras in front of underage minors. I don't know, but....when I was young, displaying alcohol on shows before 8 PM was forbidden. Or something similar.
Stray Kids' Bangchan came on Bubble and missed fans so much he even asked for fan's phone numbers so he could hear their voice.